
Pesticides are substances that are meant to control pests. This includes herbicide, insecticide, nematicide, molluscicide, piscicide, avicide, rodenticide, bactericide, insect repellent, animal repellent, microbicide, fungicide and lampricide. The most common of these are herbicides, which account for approximately 50% of all pesticide use globally. Most pesticides are intended to serve as plant protection products (also known as crop protection products), which in general, protect plants from weeds, fungi, or insects. As an example, the fungus Alternaria solani is used to combat the aquatic weed Salvinia.

In general, pesticide is classified into chemical pesticide (such as carbonate) or biological agent (such as virus, bacterium, or fungus) that deters, incapacitated, kills, or otherwise discourages pests. Target pests can include insects, plant pathogens, weeds, molluscs, birds, mammals, fish, nematodes and microbes that destroy property, cause nuisance, or spread disease, or are disease vectors. Along with benefits, pesticides also have drawbacks, such as potential toxicity to humans and other species

Pesticide – Wikipedia

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